Minute With Mallon: Unlock Excellence with Small, Daily Wins!

Welcome to Minute with Mallon! 

Something I Taught:

Recently I was working with a client who was implementing a time management tool that I'd taught him to use.  When I checked his, it was unorganized and cluttered – and he had only started working with it a week earlier!  I pointed this out to him.

To my surprise, he told me that this feedback resonated with him.  He felt that this tendency towards disorganization was carrying over into other areas of his life too.

(Now that's a coachable person!)

So I told him about a concept called:

How you do anything is how you do everything.

Years ago I was at a financial seminar in San Francisco run by a man named T. Harv Eker.  He taught the above concept.

When he said, "How you do anything is how you do everything," he meant that the approach, attitude, and level of effort you apply to one task or aspect of your life often reflects how you handle other areas as well.  This idea suggests that consistency, discipline, and attention to detail are important traits that permeate all aspects of a person's life.

Excellence in anything is the result of consistent behaviors and practices rather than isolated or one-time actions.

When you are developing a mindset of growth and excellence, you need to approach each task with the intent to do it well no matter how small it is.

Then, when excellence becomes a habit, it transforms from a goal into a way of life.

So how does this relate to you?

  1. What one small habit or aspect of your life comes to mind that you can align with excellence in your daily routine?

  2. Set daily standards for yourself in relation to this action.  What level do you want to aspire to?  And then,

  3. Track your progress. 

It truly doesn't take long to create excellence in a habit.  It just takes consistency.

Get started today!

Something to Ponder:

"Excellence is not an act, but a habit."


Something I Learned:

It's a little strange, but I truly can't remember how I found this so I can't give credit to whoever told me about it.  But I hope it's beneficial to you! 

As we're all aware, there's an election coming up.  I think part of what's driving the divisiveness in our society is only paying attention to one side or the other.

About a month ago, I downloaded an app to my phone called AllSides.

AllSides provides news stories from multiple perspectives across the political spectrum, helping users see how different media outlets cover the same events.  It aims to promote balanced understanding by presenting left, center, and right viewpoints side-by-side.

I also found it helpful in that it lists hundreds of news outlets and gives you a bias score for each.

Not going to change my mind on how I’m voting, but it’s been quite interesting.

If you choose to use it, I hope it helps!

Something I Saw:

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Hope you have an incredible week!



Minute With Mallon: Handling Toxic Attitudes!


Minute With Mallon: The Secret to Independent Thinking: Boost Revenue with These Tips