Minute With Mallon: The Book That Transformed a Drug Lord's Life!

Welcome to Minute with Mallon!

Something I Taught:

I was listening to a podcast featuring Freeway Rick Ross, a former drug lord who once moved up to $3M of cocaine a day. He was sentenced to life in prison under the three-strikes law after purchasing over 100 kilos from a federal agent.

While in prison, he read a book that began to change his life. During the podcast, he mentioned the book. It's one that I've read every year for probably a couple of decades.  It's called As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen. 

Here’s a passage he mentioned:

"Just as a gardener cultivates his plot… so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out wrong, useless, and impure thoughts… A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his life."

Your outer life is a direct reflection of your inner life. Period!

Rick took this to heart, and it changed his life! He also read Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. They transformed him.

They changed his life!

So, let me encourage you: Read one of these books this year! People may see me as successful, but I still have to tend my own garden. I do that by reading books like these regularly:

📚 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey

📚 The Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason

📚 Mindset: The New Psychology of Success – Carol S. Dweck

📚 The Bible! (My personal favorite! ✝️)

Pick one - NOW!

We only do this life once.  I want to see you achieve the very best life you possibly can!

Something to Ponder:

"We don't climb mountains to get to the top--we climb to see who we can become in trying to get there." 

Jim Murphy

Something I Learned:

In the book, "The Power of Discipline" Daniel Walter delves into the science behind self-control, offering practical strategies to overcome procrastination and build mental toughness. He emphasizes that self-discipline is a skill that can be developed through consistent practice, leading to personal and professional success. My readers will appreciate Walter's actionable insights, which align with our shared commitment to personal growth and achieving excellence in all endeavors.
Here's an excerpt: 

A self-disciplined person is confident because, regardless of where they are at that moment, they know that they are the best version of themselves.

When people are easily offended, it’s because they are not self-assured; they don’t know who they are or what they stand for, and so they view criticism (even when it is constructive) as an attack on their character and become deeply offended. Self-disciplined people don’t have this problem. They are confident, calm, and self-assured, and so it’s easy for them to take insults and criticisms on the chin. Self-disciplined people can handle constructive criticism—in fact, they value it because it pushes them to become better.”

The Power of Discipline might also be a book you'd enjoy!

Something I Saw:

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Hope you have an incredible week! 



Minute With Mallon: Stop Overthinking. Take The Shot!


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