Minute With Mallon: 960 Minutes: Maximize Your Day!

Welcome to Minute with Mallon! 

Something I Taught:

I was working with one of my favorite clients, James, today, and something came to mind that I’ve been teaching recently.

We were looking at his top 10 goals for the year.  These are things that he is truly energized by that he wants to accomplish by December 31.

I showed him how I have my top 10 list on my iPad.  And I read through it every single morning.


I can promise you that in 2024 I read those goals 365 times.

I do it right after reading the Bible and spending some time with my Father. 

It may only take me a minute to read through that list of 10 items, but it’s one of the most important minutes of my day.

I explained to James that we all have a tendency to get off track.  Life is so busy and full of distractions that if we want to be successful, we have to set up systems to make sure that we stay focused.  This is one of mine and many of my clients now do the same.

Often, success comes by doing small actions over and over and over again.  It’s really the consistency of actions that bring the good things into our lives.

Big Point:

When you think about it, for the average person who sleeps eight hours a day, they are awake for sixteen hours.  16×60 minutes equals 960 minutes.  So you are literally awake 960 minutes a day!  (That's a lot of minutes!)

Could you take 10 minutes to read a chapter of the Bible and say a little prayer each day?

Could you read 10 minutes of a great book?

Could you take a minute to read your goals?

Could you take three minutes to devise a list of actions and priorities for the day that you want to work on and accomplish? 

Could you go to the gym or to your basement three times a week and exercise for 30 minutes?

Could you floss your teeth before bed every night for a minute?

Could you finish your morning shower with a three-minute cold shower each morning?  (I started doing this at the beginning of the year and absolutely love it because it’s so freaking hard.  But I would not recommend it to anybody! 🤣🥶💯)

When you add all that up, it comes out to 57 minutes.  So you still have 903 minutes to do whatever you want!

It’s truly just a matter of figuring out what’s most important, breaking it down in a small things like the list above, and then doing it consistently day after day after day. 

So take the first step toward achieving your goals right now:

Dedicate just one minute RIGHT NOW and write down 2-3 things that you'll commit to doing each day in 2025 to make it the best year you've ever had!

Something to Ponder:

Being enthusiastic is worth 25 IQ points. 

Kevin Kelly

Something I Learned

In the book, "The Next Generation Leader," the author Andy Stanley outlines a principle that every great leader needs to understand.

There is a difference between being careful and being fearful:

●   Careful is cerebral; fearful is emotional.

●   Careful is fueled by information; fearful is fueled by imagination.

●   Careful calculates risk; fearful avoids risk.

●   Careful wants to achieve success; fearful wants to avoid failure.

●   Careful is concerned about progress; fearful is concerned about protection. 

He described this through the story of David and Goliath.  Saul and his soldiers were fearful—they did nothing when Goliath came out.

But David was careful…  He looked the situation over and decided what the best steps were for him to take.

And then he took action.
When David courageously descended into the valley alone to confront Goliath, he swiftly defeated the giant with his sling.  This act instantly shifted the battle's momentum: the Israelite army, previously paralyzed by fear, was suddenly emboldened, while the once-confident Philistines fled in terror.  David's bravery infused his people with the courage they desperately needed.

This exemplifies the essence of leadership—instilling courage in those who follow.

Sometimes, like David, you will have to take action alone.  But being the Warrior you are, I know you can do it!

Where do you need to be careful, but still move forward in your life right now?  Really think about that.

What's the One Thing you can do right now to move forward?

Write it down.

Now GO!  You can do this!!! 💯

Something I Saw:

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Hope you have an incredible week!



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