Minute With Mallon: Buffaloes vs. Cows: Facing Challenges Head-On
Welcome to Minute with Mallon!
Something I Taught:
Recently I was at a breakfast and heard my friend James talk about a concept that I've taught to many clients over the years when they are facing acute challenges.
When a storm comes, buffaloes and cows have two completely different responses. Cows run away from the storm and buffaloes run into the storm. Because the cows run away, the storm catches up with them, and they stay trapped inside the storm for extended periods of time because they are running alongside it. On the other hand, buffaloes run INTO the storm. Because they do this, the storm passes over them more quickly and they're back enjoying good weather sooner.
This story illustrates contrasting approaches to handling challenges and contains several life and leadership lessons that you can use:
Embrace challenges head-on: Facing challenges head-on, like buffaloes, can lead to quicker resolution and minimize the impact of adversity on our lives and organizations. Confronting these challenges with courage rather than trying to avoid them enables us to navigate through them more effectively.
Lean into discomfort: Running into the storm requires courage and a willingness to endure short-term discomfort for long-term gain. Similarly, in life and leadership, growth often occurs outside of our comfort zones. Embracing discomfort can lead to personal and professional development.
Adaptability and agility: Buffaloes demonstrate adaptability by quickly adjusting their approach to confront the storm. In life and leadership, being agile and flexible in responding to changing circumstances allows us to overcome obstacles and also seize opportunities.
Strategic decision-making: Buffaloes' behavior reflects strategic decision-making based on an understanding of the storm's dynamics. Similarly, in leadership, making informed and deliberate decisions, even in the face of uncertainty, is crucial for getting through challenges effectively.
Resilience and perseverance: Buffaloes' resilience in confronting the storm head-on exemplifies the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity. Building resilience allows us to bounce back from setbacks stronger than before.
Overall, the story of buffaloes and cows teaches us valuable lessons about courage, resilience, adaptability, and strategic thinking in facing life's storms and challenges.
So next time you face a challenge, charge into it head-on. Embrace the discomfort, adapt swiftly, and make strategic decisions to conquer adversity. By being like the buffalo you'll emerge stronger from every challenge. 🦬
Something to Ponder:
"The only way to handle pressure is to apply it. When you face it head-on, you dissipate it and gain strength."
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Something I Learned:
You may remember the deadpan comedian Steven Wright. He was most known for his monotone delivery, dry wit, and absurd observations. Pretty funny guy!
Recently I heard him on a podcast. He's now very physically fit and was talking about the journey that led him to better health and fitness. At a certain point he said,
"Exercise makes you more relaxed AND energetic at the same time."
I think subconsciously I'd known this for years but had never consciously had that thought. It made me pause and consider it.
His quote shows how exercise can do two opposite things at once: it can calm you down and give you energy. This is often true of the things that are good for us – they’re good for us in more ways than one.[KB1]
So think about that! And I guess there's really two things in this newsletter for you to ponder today! 😊
Something I Saw:
Thanks Tim & Bev! Wonderful Evening!!!
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