Minute With Mallon -Unlocking Success: The Power of Saying 'No' to Say 'Yes'

Welcome to Minute with Mallon! 

Happy New Year!  2024 is going to be an awesome year for you and I'm here to help.  So let's get started!

Something I Taught:


No, no, no…


I was working with a group of clients just before Christmas.  I work with each of them individually, but once a quarter we all get together in person and have been doing so since 2017.

While discussing plans for 2024, one of my clients was explaining all the ideas and initiatives he was considering starting with the New Year.  They all sounded like good ideas, and all seemed to be opportunities for growth.  But my friend has a thriving, growing business, a young family that needs his attention, and not enough time to get it all done.  He wanted help with choosing what to say yes to.  So he laid out all the options, and then asked us our opinions on what to go after. 

And I told him this: 

The greatest time management technique in the history of the world is the word "No!" 

Immediately, each person stopped what they were doing and wrote that little sentence down.

You have to say no to good opportunities so that you have time to say yes to the great ones! 

Several years ago, I was working with a CPA.  We were talking about community involvement and what he was currently doing to "give back."  He told me that he was on five boards; two were in the county we live in and three were in two counties that are adjacent to ours. 

I asked him, "Why five?" 

He told me that he had just said “Yes” each time he was asked.  Then he started telling me about how much work it was, how it took time away from his family, and how he resented having to go to some of the meetings. 

So I shared with him the same advice I gave the group above: 

The greatest time management technique in the history of the world is the word "No!"

I asked him which of the boards he loved, liked, tolerated, or hated. 

Three he tolerated, one he liked, and one he loved.  And by the way, the ones he liked and loved were close by, in our county. 

Our conversation took place towards the end of the year, so I suggested that he get in touch with each of the three he tolerated and let them know that they needed to replace him by the end of the year.  And we took a little time to discuss how to do it tactfully. 

No problem! 

He gave up those three positions and has been thoroughly enjoying the two he continues to volunteer with and has more time for the people he loves most in this world. 

So, where do you need to say “No?” 

As we begin the new year, take a moment to reflect on your own commitments and opportunities.  Are there areas in your life where you need to exercise the power of “No” to make room for a great “Yes”? What can you say “No” to today that will allow you to say “Yes” to your most meaningful pursuits? 

And "Yes,” I do want you to come up with a decision NOW! 

And then send it to me.  This little piece of accountability will help you to move toward at least one great “Yes" in your life. 

You’re Welcome!  😂

Something to Ponder: 

"The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say 'no' to almost everything." 

Warren Buffett

Something I Learned: 

Recently I read a book called The Laws of Lifetime Growth by Dan Sullivan.  The book contains a chapter called, "Make the Performance Bigger than the Applause." 

"There’s a story that Dan likes to tell about Sir Laurence Olivier and what he allegedly did to try to keep each night’s performance of a play as fresh as the opening night’s. 

Apparently, Olivier had a ritual he would perform each night before a show. He would stand backstage, look through the peephole out into the audience, and say to himself, “This is not last night’s audience. This is not last night’s show. These are not last night’s actors. This is not last night’s play. These are not last night’s lines,” and so on. 

By doing this, he would make himself fully present for that night’s performance, even though he had played the role many times before." 

I love that concept!  Each moment is a new opportunity.  Keep it fresh!  And by embracing the present, we can make every performance in life as impactful as the first. 

What are some rituals or mindsets you can or have adopted to stay fully present and make every day feel like an opening night in your own life?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!  


Something I Saw: 

Who do you know, who needs to hear about NO?  Share this issue of the newsletter via text, social media, or email?  Just copy and paste this link: RobertMallon.com/Newsletter

Hey! Let’s make 2024 your BEST YEAR EVER!!!



Minute With Mallon: Where Preparation Meets “Smart” Work


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