Minute With Mallon: Vacation Joy Begins Now!
Welcome to Minute with Mallon!
Something I Taught:
Each week, we talk about leadership, usually in the context of your work or professional life. Today I'm going to share a tip with you that revolves around another subject: Vacations!
There is a lot of research out there that suggests that the anticipation of a vacation brings significant enjoyment and happiness, often comparable to the pleasure you experience during the vacation itself.
A study by the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life found that the biggest surge in happiness that comes from travel arises during the planning stage, as we anticipate the upcoming trip! The study also revealed that the anticipation of a vacation can result in increased feelings of satisfaction and happiness in life!
Several years back I was listening to a podcast and the host was talking about this subject. One suggestion he had was to begin planning for a vacation two weeks BEFORE your next vacation! He explained that the technical term for the down or low mood that some people experience after returning from a fun vacation is "post-vacation blues" or "post-vacation depression."
It's a real thing!
Post-vacation blues is characterized by feelings of sadness, lethargy, and dissatisfaction that can occur as individuals transition back to their daily routines and responsibilities after a period of relaxation and enjoyment.
So the reason the podcast host suggested to begin planning for the next vacation two weeks before an upcoming trip is to have something to look forward to AFTER returning from your current trip! That way you never have to experience the common let down most people get after a vacation.
I just returned from a mission trip with 20 of my friends to Kenya. 🇰🇪It was the 6th of these trips I've been on and truly was a life-changing experience. For me it's a highlight of each year.
BUT, before the trip, Sandy and I started planning for two other trips, one this spring to Savannah and Beaufort, SC, and another in the early fall to Santa Fe, Taos, and southern Colorado. Sandy has already started making restaurant reservations for the spring trip! And me? No blues at all when I returned from Kenya!
So as we begin approaching the spring and summer, why not try this for yourself? See if it works for you!
I hope it does!
Something to Ponder:
"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."
Something I Learned:
One of my favorite books on golf (and life) is called Putting Out of Your Mind by Dr. Bob Rotella. While most players spend their time trying to perfect their swing so they can drive the ball farther, Rotella encourages golfers to concentrate on their putting: the most crucial yet often overlooked aspect of the game.
Part of the book talks about the importance of visualizing the shot before taking it and how this is so important in life too. Here's a little snippet that you may find interesting:
But under pressure, we revert to our dominant habits. Tiger’s dominant habit, as far as putting was concerned, was planted in his mind at a very early age by his father. Earl Woods has described how he taught Tiger to putt when Tiger was a toddler. Earl had Tiger put a ball in his right hand and roll it to a hole. Then he had Tiger close his eyes and roll it to the hole again. He asked Tiger what he’d “seen” after he closed his eyes. Tiger would reply that he’d seen a “picture” of the hole. Earl taught Tiger always to see that mental picture of the hole before he struck the ball with his putter. He taught him not to worry about the mechanics of the stroke, just to make sure he saw that target in his mind’s eye before he putted the ball. He knew that Tiger’s brain would take care of the rest more often than not.
What areas of your life do you need to get the mental picture before taking action?
Something I Saw:
Yes, he was that close. And his brother was about 100 feet away! 😳
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Hope you have a stellar week! 🚀