Minute With Mallon: "The Power of 'Next'"

Welcome to Minute with Mallon! 

Something I Taught

"Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain!" 

I have used this idea with clients for over two decades.  Part of my job as a coach is to guide clients through things that they fear.  You could say that we're walking shoulder to shoulder.

In order for you to get to your "Next," you have to do something that you've never done before.  And that brings about fear.

Think about that for a minute.  Much of the good that has come into your life has been because you made your mind up to go after something you wanted but that caused you stress when you thought about it.  This could be applying for a new position, asking a woman you loved to marry you, or making up your mind to start a new hobby.

It always brings fear.

You have to be courageous in order to move forward.  And you can't have courage unless you have fear.

Fear can seem overwhelming.  But if you keep your focus on the goals you want to achieve instead of concentrating on your fear, you’ll keep your fear in perspective. Your goals are more important than the fear.

I was with 20 men last night preparing for a trip to Kenya.  For some of us it’s our 6th trip, but 10 of us have never been there before.  So we had a conversation about them getting out of their comfort zones and just moving forward in situations when they felt the fear pushing back at them.

Back in 2002, I decided to become a coach and professional speaker.  I'll never forget the first paid speaking engagement I ever did.  It was in Burlington, VT with over 70 people in the room.  It was also a full day's training on becoming a better manager.  I'd been in management/leadership for 26 years, but to put together a 7-hour workshop and make it interesting and valuable is a hard task.  And scary!  Imagine being in front of 70 people for 7 hours doing something you’ve never done before!  And needing to do it at a very high level.

Eeek! 😨 

It used to be when I got nervous, my nose would run. 🤧 No kidding.  I've never heard of anyone else who responded to stress like that, but I did.  And it sucked!  Even now, I'm embarrassed to tell you about it.

I was super nervous that morning and asked the venue where I was speaking if they could bring me a box of Kleenex and a trash can. "I've got a bad cold," I told them.  They brought it, and I did the full day.

And then the strangest thing happened…

At 4:00 it ended.  And people started walking up to the front of the room saying things like, “I just learned more in 7 hours than I have in the last 5 years!”  So many people came up and thanked me that I was just blown away.

And the trash can was completely full of Kleenex!  😆💥🙌🏻

Over the next 10 years, I did over 1700 talks in 49 states.  (Sorry North Dakota!) But I would have never experienced the joy of doing it if I hadn’t said yes to what I hoped would be an awesome "Next,” and you won't either.

So what is your "Next?"  And what is the first step towards going after that "Next?"

Send it to me!  I won't bother you, but I'll definitely cheer you on!

Something to Ponder

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear."

Mark Twain

Something I Learned

One of the best leaders I know, and a good friend of mine, Jason Bonds, told me that he sends out a question at the beginning of each week to his four leaders.  The question always has something to do with leadership or the development of their organizations.  And then on Friday mornings, they talk about the results they got.

I love that idea!  The last part is the most important!  When they know that they are going to talk about it on Friday morning, they do something with it.

This is perfect accountability.

And it reminds me of this: 

Information without transformation is a total waste of time!

Because the group talk about their results on Fridays they deep dive into real-life application, which means they can all bring examples of application to the table – and then begin exploring how to use it.  This brings permanence! 

Really smart, Jason!  And thanks for sharing!!! 

Something I Saw

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Hope you have an incredible week! 



Minute With Mallon: Unleashing Potential: The Pygmalion Effect


Minute With Mallon: Building a Strong Foundation: Slow Progress, Lasting Success