Minute With Mallon: The Jack Nicklaus Approach to Success!
Welcome to Minute with Mallon!
Something I Taught:
OK, you're going to LOVE this concept. I promise that if you put it into practice your whole outlook will change! And it only takes about 2-3 minutes a week!
Back in 2019 I read a book called Putting Out Of Your Mind by Dr. Bob Rotella. Loved the book! And even if you're not a golfer, this lesson will certainly help you!
In the book, Rotella describes Jack Nicholas speaking at a conference. An attendee asked him what it had felt like to 3-putt the last hole of a recent tournament.
“I have never three-putted the last hole of a tournament or missed from inside five feet on the last hole of a tournament,” Jack said.
As the conversation continued, the man in the audience actually proved that Jack had indeed done just that.
But Jack didn't remember it!
The story isn't just about whether Jack Nicklaus has missed critical putts in tournaments (which he has). It's about how Jack's memory of these moments differs from that of most other golfers.
What most golfers remember after the round is the 2-foot putt that they didn't sink or the drive that went deep into the woods. You get the drift – it’s the mistakes that stick out in their minds.
Jack (and people like Steph Curry, Aaron Judge, Patrick Mahomes, etc.) have trained their minds to NOT remember the bad shots, but to always remember their BEST shots. The greats only remember the wins and they allow their failures to disappear like rain off the back of a duck.
So what does this have to do with you and me?
I have a list called the "Best Three Putts of the Week." For close to three years now, every Friday I write down 3 awesome things that have happened over the last 7 days.
Recent ones are:
● Saturday date with (my granddaughter) Baleigh to TopGolf and Ted’s Montana Grill.
● Got the trip completely set up for Santa Fe and Durango.
● (Name) signed up yesterday for coaching!
● Sunset cruise and business conversation with Bryan of US Lumber.
What this has done for me (and will do for you) is make me super aware of all the good that is coming into my life. And knowledge of the good gives me the energy to fight all the negative things out there in the world today. It's had such an impact on me that I'll do it for the rest of my life.
So what about you?
It’s as simple as
1) Determine how you will keep track of the good that comes your way,
2) Pick a time each week and set a reminder, and
3) Start the habit!
And when you focus on the positive instead of the negative, just like Jack, you’re on your way to becoming a champion!
And this goes right along with this:
Something to Ponder:
Finally my brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. And the God of peace will be with you!
Philippians 4:8
Let that soak in!
Something I Learned:
I do quarterly goals with almost all my clients. We devote one hour each quarter to deep diving into 10 different areas of life, including their professional lives, and then we come up with three super-focused goals. I've been doing this exercise with clients since 2005 and I can tell you it's a home run every time.
What the exercise gives them is a massive boost of energy in accomplishing their goals and their dreams! Seeing and taking notice of the significant progress in their lives provides momentum!
The companies who use me see great gain from their folks because they see that they're being invested in! Sadly, some companies don't see that as a value and don't invest in their folks.
And they wonder why morale is low…
Here's an excerpt from the book Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly. He's writing about the current realities of the workforce. Owners, top leaders, and HR managers need to understand and act on this!
"This new breed of loyalty will be built on the principle of adding value. An employee is responsible for adding value to the life of a company, and a company is responsible for adding value to the life of an employee. This is the great unspoken contract that exists between all employees and employers."
What stands out to me is that when you prioritize your people's well-being, they'll reciprocate by looking out for you.
What most business owners and leaders often don't understand is that many employees often feel like they are being used. However, if you can authentically demonstrate that you prioritize their well-being, you can shift this perception. This approach fosters a spirit of teamwork and loyalty that is rarely seen in corporate environments.
So how do you do that???
Something I Saw:
Favorite time of the year!!!
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Hope you have an incredibly blessed week! 😇