Minute With Mallon: Purposeful Meetings, Powerful Results

Welcome to Minute with Mallon!

Something I Taught:

One of my masterminds is a group of five business owners who have been meeting together since early 2018.  They know and care for each other deeply.  Along with monthly meetings, we meet once a quarter for a 4-hour meeting.  They are always impactful and fun!

In September one of the attendees and I came up with this goal:

Beginning this quarter, each month we will gather the entire leadership team for a "Sharpen the Saw" meeting to learn and implement leadership principles so that our future growth won’t crush us.

His company is 25 years old and is one of the best in North America in his industry.  But leadership coaching has never been a top priority for his team.

He was nervous about this first leadership development meeting in September, but it went great and everyone said they benefited from the meeting and discussion.

He told us that it was definitely a step in the right direction.  💪🏻 

He then went on to talk about how he's trying to get away from attending each leader meeting within his organization.  He loved doing the Sharpen the Saw meeting but feels like it's not a good use of his time to attend some of the others.  And he's working towards that end so that he can concentrate on the Most Important things instead of being pulled into the minutiae.

At that point, one of the other attendees said:

"The trick is to kill meetings and not to let them go on and on forever.  Never make a recurring meeting that doesn't have an end date on it."

What a great idea!

Sometimes we attend meetings because we've always attended those meetings.  It just becomes a habit.  And sometimes those are keeping you from doing Really Great Work!

So I have two questions for you:

●  Are you currently stuck in any recurring meetings that no longer serve a purpose?  What steps can you take to eliminate or restructure them for better productivity?

●  How can you implement a 'Sharpen the Saw' mentality in your team to ensure everyone is focused on growth rather than just maintaining the status quo?

Remember, the biggest barrier to innovation isn't the work—it's the clutter of unnecessary distractions.  Let’s cut the noise and focus on what truly drives success. What will you eliminate today to make room for tomorrow's breakthroughs? 

Something to Ponder:

"Focus on being productive instead of busy." 

Tim Ferriss

Something I Learned:

A couple of weeks ago I told you about an app called Yuka.  Although I misspelled it and called it Yuca.  OOPS! 🤭

Well, there are two more apps to tell you about: Hoopla and Libby.  (Both are spelled correctly! 🤣)

Each of these apps offer you digital and audio books from thousands of public libraries!  All online!      


If I'm not mistaken, Libby lets you check things out for 2 weeks and Hoopla for 3 weeks!  I usually search Hoopla first.

Oh, did I mention for FREE???

Check it out.  Some books I want to buy so that I can refer to them later, but many I don't need long-term, so this saves a ton of money!

So if you have a growth mindset, try them out.  And recommend them to your friends and family. 

Invest in yourself – for FREE! 

Something I Saw:

Your continued support keeps me going—thank you for being here!

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Hope you have an incredible week!




Minute With Mallon: Unlock Deep Work!


Minute With Mallon: Take Control: Dictate Your Day!