Minute With Mallon: Finish One, Then Move On!
Welcome to Minute with Mallon!
Something I Taught:
I was working with a client that I've been coaching for the past 5 years. He's very successful in his field, but during our last call, I noticed that he'd been vacillating on one big decision for quite some time. He hadn't noticed, but because I take good notes, when I brought it up to him he totally agreed.
He kept trying different things, but he was also overthinking the decision and he hadn't landed on the way forward. He'd try a little bit here, then a little bit there.
When I called him out on it, he agreed that it was a problem. And we came up with this:
Imagine you're painting the interior of a home. You wouldn't do half a wall in one room, then move to the next room partially painting it, and then the next would you? 🎨
No, you'd paint one room at a time, and then move on to the next.
You get the picture…
The moral of the story is about the importance of focus and commitment when making decisions or tackling tasks.
Just like you wouldn't paint a house by starting and stopping in different rooms without completing one first, you shouldn’t approach significant decisions or projects with a fragmented mindset or by being indecisive.
Instead, concentrate on one thing at a time, see it through to completion, and then move on to the next task or decision. This approach will help make clearer choices, improve your efficiency, and achieve better results!
We also took some time to break down the decision into smaller chunks and then wrote them down in the order that they needed to be accomplished. That took just a few minutes, but was invaluable in that it provided him a written roadmap to follow.
So let's talk about you! What is a decision that you've been wavering on?
Might I suggest that you first write down what the decision is. This will give you clarity about EXACTLY what you're working on.
Next, take a couple of minutes to write out the steps. Many times, doing this with someone else is a great idea because:
(Two brains are exponentially better than one.)
Then put the steps in a logical order.
And begin on step #1!
Don't go to step #2 until step #1 is completed.
And then sit back and enjoy your masterpiece! 🖼️
Hope this helps you!!! And if you're a leader of leaders, consider passing this on to them. 👊🏻
Something to Ponder:
"The moment you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Something I Learned:
I'm a big fan of the podcast called Exponential Wisdom by Dan Sullivan and Peter Diamandis. These are two of the smartest men I've ever met. In the podcast they discuss how exponential technologies are creating massive opportunities for entrepreneurs all over the world.
In episode 142 titled "What AI's Advancement Means for Humanity," Dan had this idea:
I think it’s going to be fantastic at the skilled trade levels where you can train somebody, for example an auto mechanic, with AI and goggles using augmented reality and they run you through every day taking apart an engine and putting it back together just following the AI instructions. And after a week you can take apart and put together a motor by yourself.
I love this idea and see a lot of applications for this for training in business and also for growing in our private lives!
Something I Saw:
Football’s Coming! Go Dogs!!!
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Hope you have an incredible week!