Minute With Mallon: Embracing Your Unique Journey
Hi folks and welcome to "Minute with Mallon!"
Something I Taught:
It's crucial to remember that our journey is uniquely ours and defined not by society's expectations, but by personal growth and our relentless efforts.
Part of my job as a coach is to help determine where leaders are in their journeys and to help them go after "Stretch Goals" that match where they are in life and where they want to be. Not bragging, but over the last 20 years, I've gotten very good at this.
They need to stretch for growth, but I don't want them to fail.
This month, I read a book called Never Give Up by Bear Grylls, the British adventurer and television presenter. It was a very interesting book filled with tons of stories about how he began his career and how it has evolved over the years, along with many stories about the guests he's had on his shows. He gets the best out of them and always challenges their fears. That's what good coaches do!
According to the European Scientific Journal, "Ninety percent of people use social media websites for the specific purpose of comparing themselves with others, and nearly 100 percent of those comparisons are ‘upward social comparisons.’"
No wonder addiction rates and suicide are so high in teens and young adults today. They are valuing themselves based on how they perceive other people’s lives, not on what they've accomplished themselves.
One thing Grylls talks about often with guests is:
“Our job isn't to be the best, it's to do our best!”
Society suggests we must be the best: in work, as parents – even at the things we do just for fun, like hobbies, etc. But constantly chasing perfection can sidetrack us from real growth and genuine happiness.
We all have different aptitudes, strengths, and abilities. Even if we think that we have to be the best, often it's just impossible because of the limitations we have.
So when we DO our best, instead of striving to BE the best, we are working up to the next level, for ourselves!
That way we compare ourselves to where we were before, not to some unattainable ideal.
And we continue to grow and be happy!
Where in your life can you shift from comparing yourself to others, to simply giving your absolute best?
Embrace your unique journey, recognizing that your value isn't in being the best, but in giving your best every day.
Something to Ponder:
“Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished. The person you are right now is as transient, as fleeting, and as temporary as all the people you’ve ever been.”
-Dr. Daniel Gilbert, Harvard psychologist
Something I Learned:
In her book, Grit, Angela Duckworth talks about developing the muscle of grit. Grit is staying with something long enough to make it a success. It's sorely lacking in many.
One of my highlights was this one:
"Grit is about holding the same top-level goal for a very long time. Furthermore, this ‘life philosophy,’ as Pete Carroll might put it, is so interesting and important that it organizes a great deal of your waking activity. In very gritty people, most mid-level and low-level goals are, in some way or another, related to that ultimate goal."
So they have a "big goal" (maybe a one-year, 5-year, or ten-year goal) and then they break it down into smaller goals that keep them progressing towards the big goal.
What is one big goal that you're working towards? Send it to me.
And listen:
By sending it to me, that tells both me and you that you’re committed, and you're risking putting it out there into the world. DON'T KEEP IT HIDDEN! Send it now. I won't bother you, but I will keep it in mind and I'll say a little prayer for you and your goal. Promise. 🙏🏻
As William Henry Murray said, "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness…" Don't be that person.
Something I Saw:
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Hoping for a week filled with blessings and extraordinary favor in your life! 😊