Minute With Mallon: Climbing the Leadership Ladder!
Welcome to Minute with Mallon!
Before we get started, I just want to say, "Thank You" for being a subscriber to this newsletter! It's been going strong since May 2023 and sitting down and writing these every week has brought me so much JOY. I know from your comments that it's having an impact on you, and this gives me a heightened sense of purpose and satisfaction.
So THANK YOU! I am truly grateful!
Something I Taught:
One of my favorite clients is a partner and COO in a big and ever-expanding insurance agency. Recently we took a couple of months to dig deep into John Maxwell's book The Five Levels of Leadership. Having read dozens of books on leadership over the years, Maxwell’s book remains the best and most directly applicable I've encountered.
As you can see, there are 5 levels of leadership:
A few thoughts:
You will be at different levels with different people.
Each level builds upon the previous one.
This is not like a golf leaderboard. You don’t pass or graduate from one level to get to the next.
You will grow to different levels with your people, but you should never leave earlier levels behind.
People tend to gravitate to either Level 2 or Level 3. It’s a natural tendency. But to be one of the best, you need to excel at BOTH!
As you can see, Level 2 is about building relationships, while Level 3 is about production. Because of our different personality styles, people gravitate to one or the other… But they are both EQUALLY IMPORTANT… as is Level 4, which is growing your people.
During the most recent session with my client, he told me that when talking with his employees he has become very aware of whether it's a Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 conversation.
This allows him to be extremely intentional in his communications. And great leaders are great communicators!
We have invested hours in his growth in this area. And by now this approach to communication has almost reached a point of becoming an Unconsciously Competent part of his leadership style.
Armed with this information, you can begin moving in this direction too!
Remember, you are the lid to your leadership, your career, your business and/or your life. Growth doesn't just happen – it has to be intentional. And only you can lift your limits higher!
So take action! Read the book, or click this link to see how we might work together to help you master this concept and become a much more effective leader: Discovery Call- 20 Minutes NL - Robert Mallon
Something to Ponder:
The bad news is time flies. The good news is, you’re the pilot.
Michael Altshuler
Something I Learned:
Several years back I read a book called The Perfect Week Formula by my friend Craig Ballantyne. The book contains a section titled, "The REAL Reason You're So Burned Out, Tired, and Unhappy with Your Progress."
I want you to think back to a time that you disappointed yourself. Could be you underprepared for something. Or you were late again to an important meeting. Or you promised that you'd work out 3-4 days a week and you only did 2. Or maybe you said you'd eat just one more cookie, and half a dozen later, your hand was going back in the bag. 😱
Here's Craig:
"We set high standards for ourselves, and when we fall short, we feel like a hypocrite. And there are few things in the world that feel worse. The average person considers hypocrisy to be a "sin" that's almost as bad as stealing an old lady's purse.
Yet every day, whether we consciously acknowledge it or not, most of us act hypocritically.
The problem isn't that we don't know what to do. The problem is that we don't take our promises made to ourselves seriously. And the result is that our ancient brains – which didn't evolve to make us rich, happy, and successful – trick us into negotiating our way out of success."
He goes on to teach us HOW to quit being the lawyer of our lives, and instead become the dictator!
The KEY is to develop non-negotiables in your work and your life.
So what are a few non-negotiables that come to your mind?
For example:
● I do not swear.
● I never, ever hit "snooze".
● I drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
● I read the bible every day.
● I read a book a month.
Let me know what you came up with. Then DO IT! Become the dictator in at least one area of your life and experience the joy that follows.
Just one…
And then reply to this email and let me know what it is.
That way I can hound you for all of eternity if you don’t stick with it! 🤣
Something I Saw:
I watched one of my sons actually eat this at Pappadeaux's Seafood Restaurant recently! I now affectionally refer to him as "Fat Boy!" 🤣
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Hope you have an incredible week!